GoBusiness and GoManufacturing are designed to make it easier and quicker for small businesses to understand and comply with government, succeed and grow.
We package information and advice from across government and the private sector into tools and resources, designed with small businesses in mind.
To make our resources as easy to understand as possible and to avoid overwhelming our audience, we aim to provide enough detail to help in the majority of situations, rather than comprehensive detail for all situations. For more detail we link to the relevant government agencies’ websites and sometimes private sector websites.
The information available on, or through this website includes information provided by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) and information provided by third parties (providers of information). This information is intended to provide general business information to the public. The information on GoBusiness and GoManufacturing should not be your only source of business information. We recommend you seek professional advice as appropriate.
MBIE endeavours to ensure that the information on GoBusiness and GoManufacturing is reliable and accurate at the time of publishing, however:
- Neither MBIE, nor any of its employees, contractors, and providers of information, make any express or implied representations or warranties regarding the material and facilities contained or referred to in this site;
- MBIE, its employees, contractors and providers of information, do not accept any liability, for any reason whatever, for any loss or damage which may arise in any way
- out of the use of any of that material or facilities; or
- from errors in or omissions from that material or facilities; or
- from inaccuracy of any information obtained through use of this site.
- MBIE is not responsible for the content of other websites linked to, or referenced on this website. The inclusion of, or reference to any link to another website, or reference to any specific commercial product, process, or service, whether by trade name, trade mark, manufacture, or otherwise, does not constitute an endorsement, verification or recommendation by this site, MBIE or the New Zealand Government.
- MBIE may change, delete, add to, or otherwise amend information contained on this website without notice.
- The contents of this website should not be construed as legal or professional advice.
- Each page on this website must be read in conjunction with this disclaimer and any other disclaimer that forms part of it.
Choose Business Structure disclaimer
Choose Business Structure is an online tool provided by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment that helps you decide which business structure might best suit your business needs. It provides an indication of the most common structures and which structure might work for your particular scenario.
Choose Business Structure(external link) — business.govt.nz
The Ministry endeavours to the best of its ability and knowledge to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and current. However, we cannot accept any liability for the accuracy or content of the material on this website.
Choose Business Structure does not constitute legal advice. Visitors to the site should take specific advice from qualified, professional people before undertaking any action as a result of information accessed on this website.
The information on this website also doesn’t replace or alter the laws of New Zealand or other official guidelines or requirements.
Links to third party websites
MBIE doesn’t accept any liability for the accuracy or content of information on this website that belongs to third parties, nor for the accuracy or content of any third-party website linked to from this site. Links to other websites are provided for convenience, and aren’t an endorsement of those sites or of the information contained, products endorsement of those sites or of the information contained, products offered, or people referred to on them. When visiting third party sites, please refer to the conditions of use and copyright policies of those sites.
Compliance Matters disclaimer
The Compliance Matters tool helps make managing government compliance easy. The information provided in this search tool should be used as general guidance only, intended to provide business information to the public current only as at the date and time of the search. It should not be used as a substitute for legal, business, accounting, tax or other professional advice.
Compliance Matters(external link) — business.govt.nz
Business.govt.nz is managed and maintained by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (“MBIE”). MBIE and its employees, contractors and third-party providers of information (“the Content Providers”) do not accept any responsibility or liability for any action taken in reliance on information provided by this search tool, or for any error, inadequacy, deficiency or flaw in or omission from the information provided. All users who ignore this disclaimer do so at their own risk. MBIE and the Content Providers have taken all reasonable measures to ensure the quality and accuracy of the content of the Compliance Matters tool. MBIE is not responsible for the content of other websites linked to or referenced in the Compliance Matters tool.
Where any abuse of the Compliance Matters tool is detected, MBIE reserves the right to take preventive action to prevent any further abuse, and/or any other action it considers appropriate.
The Compliance Matters tool and its contents are protected by copyright. See the business.govt.nz copyright statement.
Our copyright protected content(external link) — business.govt.nz
Scope of Compliance Matters content
The Content Providers include government entities with compliance information relevant to businesses in New Zealand. As at June 2014 the following government entities have provided information searchable in the tool:
- Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC)
- Commerce Commission
- Environmental Protection Authority
- Financial Markets Authority (FMA)
- Human Rights Commission (HRC)
- Inland Revenue (IR)
- Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI)
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT)
- New Zealand Customs Service
- NZ Transport Agency (NZTA)
- Statistics New Zealand
- WorkSafe New Zealand
- Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE):
- Building Standards
- Consumer Protection
- Electrical Workers Registration
- Employment Relations
- Immigration Advisors Authority
- Immigration New Zealand (INZ)
- Insolvency and Trustee Service (ITS)
- Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand (IPONZ)
- Licensed Building Practitioners (LBP)
- Motor Vehicle Traders Register (MVTR)
- New Zealand Companies Office
- Plumbers, Gas-fitters and Drain-layers Board (PGDB)
- Radio Spectrum Management (RSM)
- Tenancy Services
- Trading Standards.
Callaghan Innovation and New Zealand Trade and Enterprise have been consulted and have confirmed they have no compliance obligations for business, within the scope of this tool, to include currently.
Information not in scope includes Local and Regional Government compliance obligations.
Local and Regional Government(external link) — Department of Internal Affairs
Employee Cost Calculator disclaimer
The Employee Cost Calculator (ECC) helps give business owners a ballpark figure of what hiring a new employee might cost. The information provided in the ECC is intended to be used as an indicative guide aimed to provide general business information to the public current only as at the date and time of the calculation request and does not represent legal advice.
Employee Cost Calculator(external link) — business.govt.nz
Business.govt.nz, the Accident Compensation Corporation, Inland Revenue, the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, and Trade Me Limited, their employees, contractors and providers of information (“the Content Providers”) do not accept any responsibility or liability for any action taken in reliance on information provided by the ECC or for any error, inadequacy, deficiency or flaw in or omission from the information provided. All users who ignore this disclaimer do so at their own risk.
The Content Providers are not responsible for the accuracy of the content of the ECC, or for the content of other websites linked to, or referenced from the ECC tool. The inclusion of, or reference to any link to another website, or reference to any specific commercial product, process, or service, whether by trade name, trade mark, manufacture, or otherwise, does not constitute an endorsement, verification or recommendation by this site, the Content Providers or the New Zealand Government.
Where any abuse of the ECC is detected, the Content Providers reserve the right to take preventive action to prevent any further abuse.Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC)
The ACC classification units (referred to as ‘Industry’ code in the ECC) provided by the ACC to the Business.govt.nz website to help calculate an employee’s ACC levy is a general guidance only. It should not be used as a substitute for legal, business, accounting, tax or other professional advice.
Use of the Accident Compensation Corporation website to obtain information about ACC Work levies is subject to the terms and conditions of their website.Inland Revenue
The information Inland Revenue provides to the Business.govt.nz website is for general guidance only. It should not be used as a substitute for legal, business, accounting, tax or other professional advice.
Use of the Inland Revenue website to obtain information about fringe benefit tax or Kiwisaver, or any other information, is subject to the terms and conditions of their website.Trade Me Limited
The average industry salary market rates provided by Trade Me Limited to the Business.govt.nz website is a general guidance only. It should not be used as a substitute for legal, business, accounting, tax or other professional advice.
Use of the Trade Me website to obtain information about market industry rates is subject to the terms and conditions of their website.WorkSafe New Zealand
The information WorkSafe New Zealand provides to the Business.govt.nz website is for general guidance only. It should not be used as a substitute for legal, business, accounting, tax or other professional advice.
Use of the WorkSafe New Zealand website to obtain information about examples of protective clothing and equipment, or any other information, is subject to the terms and conditions of their website. -
Employment Agreement Builder disclaimer
The Employment Agreement Builder helps you create written agreements for everyone you employ. The information provided in the Employment Agreement Builder (EAB) tool is intended, when used correctly, to provide a lawful employment agreement. It is the responsibility of the user to provide a secure email address to send a completed agreement to.
Employment Agreement Builder(external link) — business.govt.nz
The Ministry does not provide legal advice and the content of the EAB tool should not be regarded as legal or professional advice. It’s important to read and follow all of the instructions and supporting information outlined in the EAB tool. There are times we recommend you seek professional advice when using the tool. If you are in doubt about how to use the tool correctly, or do not understand any of the content or instructions provided, we recommend you seek professional advice.
Business.govt.nz is managed and maintained by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE). MBIE and its employees, contractors and third-party providers of information (“the Content Providers”) do not accept any responsibility or liability for any action taken in reliance on information provided by this tool, or for any error, inadequacy, deficiency or flaw in or omission from the information provided. All users who ignore this disclaimer do so at their own risk.
MBIE and the Content Providers have taken all reasonable measures to ensure the quality and accuracy of the content of the EAB tool. MBIE is not responsible for the content of other websites linked to, or referenced in the EAB tool.
Where any abuse of the EAB tool is detected, MBIE reserves the right to take preventive action to prevent any further abuse, and/or any other action it considers appropriate.
The Employment Agreement Builder and its contents are protected by Crown copyright. See the business.govt.nz copyright statement.
Our copyright protected content(external link) — business.govt.nz
Kiwi Business Boost disclaimer
Kiwi Business Boost is an online tool provide by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) that helps to deliver events and information to suit your business needs.
MBIE endeavours to the best of its ability and knowledge to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and current. However, we cannot accept any liability for the accuracy or content of the material on this website.
Kiwi Business Boost does not constitute legal advice. Visitors to the site should take specific advice from qualified, professional people before undertaking any action as a result of information accessed on this website.
The information on this website also doesn’t replace or alter the laws of New Zealand or other official guidelines or requirements.
Links to third party websites
MBIE doesn’t accept any liability for the accuracy or content of information on this website that belongs to third parties, nor for the accuracy or content of any third-party website linked to from this site.
Links to other websites are provided for convenience, and aren’t an endorsement of those sites or of the information contained, products offered, or people referred to on them. When visiting third party sites, please refer to the conditions of use and copyright policies of those sites.
Kiwi Business Boost(external link) — business.govt.nz
ONECheck disclaimer
ONECheck is an online search tool provided by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment that combines a company name, domain, trade mark and social media username search in one place. It provides an indication of names that may be available, but a name isn’t yours until you secure it through the appropriate channels.
ONECheck(external link) — business.govt.nz
The Ministry endeavours to the best of its ability and knowledge to ensure the information on this website is accurate and current. However, we cannot accept any liability for the accuracy or content of the material on this website.
ONECheck does not constitute legal advice. Visitors to the site should take specific advice from qualified, professional people before undertaking any action as a result of information accessed on this website.
The information on this website also doesn’t replace or alter the laws of New Zealand or other official guidelines or requirements.
Links to third party websites
MBIE doesn’t accept any liability for the accuracy or content of information on this website that belongs to third parties, nor for the accuracy or content of any third-party website linked to from this site.
Links to other websites are provided for convenience, and aren’t an endorsement of those sites or of the information contained, products offered, or people referred to on them.
When visiting third party sites, please refer to the conditions of use and copyright policies of those sites. In particular:
Domain name results
Domain name results come from a WHOIS search, which searches databases and determines whether a particular domain name is available.
New Zealand WHOIS searches are subject to the terms and conditions of .nz WHOIS sites:
- Terms of use(external link) — Domain Name Commission
- Terms of use(external link) — InternetNZ
International WHOIS searches are subject to the terms and conditions of:
- Legal Notices and Terms of Use(external link) — Verisign
- ICANN Data Protection Practices(external link) — Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
- Website Terms of Use(external link) — Identity Digital
- Privacy Notice(external link) — Public Interest Registry
Social media results
Social media username results come from searches of the following sites, and are subject to the terms and conditions of those sites:
- Meta Platform Terms(external link) — Meta
- Developer Agreement and Policy(external link) — X Developer Platform
- YouTube Application Programming Interface (API) Services Terms of Service(external link) — YouTube
- Privacy and Terms(external link) — Google
- Terms of Use(external link) — Instagram
- Vimeo Application Programming Interface (API) License Addendum(external link) — Vimeo
- Terms of Service(external link) — Pinterest
Workplace Policy Builder disclaimer
The Workplace Policy Builder (WPB) helps you create written policies for your employees. The information provided in WPB tool is intended, when used correctly, to provide a lawful workplace policy. It is the responsibility of the user to provide a secure email address to send a completed agreement to.
Workplace Policy Builder(external link) — business.govt.nz
The Ministry does not provide legal advice and the content of this tool should not be regarded as legal or professional advice. It’s important to read and follow the instructions and supporting information outlined in the WPB tool. It is the users responsibility to ensure that the workplace policies created with the WPB tool are consistent with their employment agreements and employment practices. If you are in doubt about how to use the WPB tool correctly, or do not understand any of the content or instructions provided, we recommend you seek professional advice.
The business.govt.nz website is managed and maintained by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE). MBIE and its employees, contractors and third-party providers of information (“the Content Providers”) do not accept any responsibility or liability for any action taken in reliance on information provided by this tool, or for any error, inadequacy, deficiency or flaw in or omission from the information provided. All users who ignore this disclaimer do so at their own risk.
MBIE and the Content Providers have taken all reasonable measures to ensure the quality and accuracy of the content of the Workplace Policy Builder tool. MBIE is not responsible for the content of other websites linked to or referenced in the WPB tool.
Where any abuse of the WPB tool is detected, MBIE reserves the right to take preventive action to prevent any further abuse, and/or any other action it considers appropriate.
The WPB and its contents are protected by Crown copyright. See the business.govt.nz copyright statement.
Our copyright protected content(external link) — business.govt.nz