Get support for manufacturing

Perhaps you have a world-changing idea, a dream to cure disease or a plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions. Don’t just dream. You may be able to get funding or other support to make that dream come true. Read about several options for manufacturers.

A woman with gloves in manufacturing site

Do your homework before applying

Working on an exciting project? Great! But let’s be honest: projects need funding. Time, equipment, raw materials, rent, IT – all sorts of things might need paying for. Sometimes, extra funding or other support can make the difference between succeeding and having to call it quits.  

But here’s the good news: if you’re a New Zealand manufacturer, you might be able to get that support. To get it, you’ll need to do a few things: 

  1. Find out what’s available. 
  2. Check if you’re eligible for support. 
  3. Understand what you need to do to get that support. 

“What you need to do” can be tricky, perhaps even daunting if you’ve never asked for support before. For example, you might need a clear, well thought-through business plan. Making a compelling case takes time and effort, but don’t be afraid to ask for a hand.  

Learn how to write a business plan — 

Get unbiased advice to grow your business from the Regional Business Partner Network —

Contact your regional business group — Advanced Manufacturing Aotearoa 

Money for tech and research

You may be able to get funding from the following sources if you’re working on a tech project or one that helps the environment.  

Callaghan Innovation’s funds  

If you have a tech or science dream, Callaghan Innovation might offer just the support for you. They’re all about tech and scientific expertise. They promote research and development, and make it possible for like-minded researchers, scientists and industry to work together. They also offer financial support, like half a dozen grants and tax incentives for different needs. 

Check out different funding opportunities — Callaghan Innovation

Technology Demonstration Fund 

The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority’s Technology Demonstration Fund backs projects that reduce energy and carbon emissions by either: 

  • adopting proven technology early 
  • identifying an innovative process for improvement.

The fund supports projects like those that:

  • reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  • apply to multiple businesses
  • are likely to be financially sustainable.

The fund doesn’t support projects like those that involve:

  • residential products
  • solar hot water and photovoltaic panels  
  • wind, hydro, geothermal and marine electricity generation. 

Learn about the Technology Demonstration Fund and what it funds — Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority 

What’s in it for you 

Co-funding of up to $250,000. Or even up to $500,000 if the project decarbonises heat from industrial processes.

How to apply

Complete a form to apply.  

Download the application form [PDF, 60 KB] — Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority

Non-government funding options 

As well as government funding and grants, there are private investment and funding options you could look at. Advanced Manufacturing Aotearoa (AMA) has suggestions that could help you. Contact AMA for a chat. 
Advanced Manufacturing Aotearoa

Money off your vehicle

Get a new truck or give yours a makeover. 

Low Emissions Heavy Vehicle Fund 

Some of us need to drive big vehicles as part of our business, but feel bad because we know they create carbon emissions. Enter the Low Emissions Heavy Vehicle Fund. It aims to have cleaner vehicles – more zero- and low-emissions heavy vehicles on roads from Northland to Southland. It also wants to encourage manufacturers to make cleaner heavy vehicles. 

Learn more about the Low Emissions Heavy Vehicle Fund — Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority 

What’s in it for you  

If you’re a small to medium-sized business, you can apply for a grant of up to 25% of: 

  • the price of a new zero- or low-emissions heavy vehicle
  • the cost to convert an existing vehicle to a zero- or low-emissions vehicle. 

How to apply 

Contact a supplier or converter at the bottom of this page: 

Low Emissions Heavy Vehicle Fund — Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority 

Smart “check-ups”

Smart Factory Assessment 

Industry 4.0 is about using high tech and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to revolutionise manufacturing. Jump onboard! Callaghan Innovation’s Factory Assessment helps you start, scale and sustain your transformation journey.  

What’s in it for you  

Interested? See the difference an assessment can make: 

Watch the Argus Case Study (2 minutes) — YouTube  

Watch the Independent Doors Case Study (2 minutes) — YouTube 

How to apply 

Ask for a Smart Factory Assessment: Industry 4.0 — Callaghan Innovation 

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